Friday, November 7, 2014

McCrady Manor: Blood Curse - Chapter Four


          Meghan walked through the curtain of white and blue beads into the small room.  She saw an older woman sitting on the other side of a small round table.  The table was covered with a soft blue cloth with moons and stars stitched with silver thread.  A large crystal ball sat in the middle of the table on a silver stand.  "Come on in and sit down."  The woman spoke so softly, with a trace of an irish lilt.  She instantly made Meghan feel comfortable, and welcome. 
          She walked towards the table that sat in the middle of the room.  "My child, you are awful young.  Why are you here?"  She asked as Meghan sat down in the chair across for her.
          Meghan slowly took a deep breath.  She caught the fragrance filled air and let it out just as slow as she took it in.  It smelled of vanillia with hints of citrus.  "I want to make sure that you are who you claim to be.  That you are for real."  Meghan told her honestly.  She looked around the room at the shelves of candles and crystals.  Rock gardens and mini running waterfalls.  Artwork of various mystical things, ranging from the zodiac to, legendary creatures, to a framed picture that caught her attention.   It was a picture of the an accident sight, around it you can see this haze swirling, but not through the whole picture.  It seemed to linger right around the crushed car.   You could almost distinctly make out the form of an angel, from wings to eyes.  She shook her head and rubbed her eyes.   It couldn't be.
          "Yes, that is real.  I had a gentlemen come in one day, and he was rather distraught."  She explained.  "I had warned him to be careful in cars, but he didn't really believe me, but he wondered.  I could tell.   He was one that wanted quick answers, he was still so heartbroken.  He came back to me, two months later.  He handed me this picture," she smiled lifting it from the shelf that sat near her. "He told me I had been right," she whispered softly.  "See, the accident almost killed him, but I had told him that his wife would be there with him.  She would see to it he would be alright, if only he took great care.  His wife had died a few years before from a serious form of cancer, leaving him to be the only provider for thier three children.  He handed me the picture, told me I was right, then broke into tears thanking me.  Said if I hadn't warned him, planted that in his head, he thought he would seriously not be here on this earth.  He says he is a better man today, for him, and his children.  She opened up the back of the picture, pulled out a small wallet size picture of a family.  A man, woman, two boys and little girl.   "This is his family, his wife," she said, putting the picture next to the angel.   You could see the resemblance in the face of the angel, and the women in the family photo.  "A reporter had snapped the picture while the mans was still in the car.  She was lingering there.  He said she was talking to him."  She put the family picture back in the frame, and closed it.  Then put it safetly back on the shelf. 
          "Wow," was all Meghan could manage.
          She looked back at Meghan.  Her small emerald green eyes seemed to look right into her soul.  "I understand your hesitance," she spoke gently.  Her silver hair falling over her shoulders, with the top half pulled up in some sort of knot.  "Alright then, we'll get started."  She looked deep into Meghan's large grayish violet eyes.  Eyes that change color with the young girl's mood.  "Don't tell me anything.  Not your name, nor birthday.  I shall figure out all I can.  All that you will allow the Old Crystell to feel...and to hear.  All I need you to do is let me know if I am right or wrong.  A simple yes or no will do fine."  The woman explained.  She played with some rocks, in a rock garden quickly, then reached out and put her small hand in the middle of the round table.  "May I have your hands, please?"  The woman asked.  Meghan put her hands in the woman's and watched as the woman lowered her head and closed her eyes.  "First, I see, twenty candles.  You are twenty years old, correct?"
          "Yes," Meghan simply answered.
          "Alright now....I am picking up two sets of initials, no three...which is very phenomenal.  K.L.M. is the strongest of the three sets.  Are those your initials?"  She quizzed.
          "No," Meghan whispered with an uncertain expression upon her face.
          "How about M.A.Q. which are the second most intense of them."
          Her heart stopped.  "Yes," she responded astounded.
          "The third set is M.A.K.L.M. which I have the feeling are a combination of the two sets and is yet to come.  But does it mean anything to you at the moment?"  The woman asked.  Meghan shook her head.  "It seems as if the first was past and the second current.  So I will focus on the second set of letters.  Your name is..........Megas,it is Meghan, right?"
          "Yes," Meghan slurred the word.  From that she was practically convinced that this woman could be the real thing.
          "You come here to Independence in the end of March to work on a house... a big house...or some sizable land.  Is that true?"
          "Yes, both."
          The woman paused for a moment before she continued speaking.  "You met a man with two faces.  That means that either he has a good and evil side or he is a twin.  I feel firmer about the twin.  Is he a twin?"
          "Yes," Meghan could feel her eyes growing larger with every true statement she made.
          "This man, the younger one, his name starts with a 'C'.  Am I correct?"  She watched as Meghan's head nodded.  "Well," she paused.  "I feel something awful has happened to you by this Mr. C."  The woman paused.  "He left you?"
          Meghan thought for a moment.  "You could fairly say that, I guess."
          "I feel him the night he left.  He physically said good-bye.  Maybe a love.  The feeling is yet stronger...and there is resentment on your behalf."  Suddenly the woman's eyes shot open for the first time since she had closed them when they begun.  "He raped you!"  She announced just like that.  Plain as day.  Outloud.  All Meghan could do was nod as her blood ran cold.  "I am sorry."  The woman quietly spoke.  "I am so sorry."  She paused as a single tear ran it's path down Meghan's cheek until she wiped it away with the back of her hand.  "Would you like me to continue?"   Meghan nodded again.  She didn't want to speak until the cold went away.  "Alright," she whispered as she re-closed her eyes.  "Mr. C left you over a few months ago.  I see a three.  It was three months ago be exact, correct?"
          "Yes."  She somehow managed.
          "I see white roses.  That means either there are births or weddings or both are in your near future.  Yes, both, I believe.  Before and after New Year's.  I see Raven birds close by.  So near you.  There are two, circling over your heart and soul.  Two people very close to you have died. Oh wait, there are two more Ravens flying in the distance, watching over you."  The woman took a deep breath.  "I see a stork carrying a pink bundle."  The woman opened her eyes for the second time.  "You are carrying his baby, aren't you?"  Meghan just nodded some more.  The cold was still there. The woman went back to her previous state and continued.  "I see two girls.  They are almost identical to yourself.  Though I get a strong feeling from these girls that I can not pin point.  It's as if there is more to your friendship then has been told."  The woman paused for a moment or two.  "I see three connected pink roses and one red.  You have two sisters and a brother.  The red one is larger than the other three.  You have an older brother and two sisters close in age to you."
          "No, because I am an only child."  Meghan corrected.
          The woman opened her eyes again and met Meghan's curious gaze.  "I see three connected pink rose and one red.  That is a sure indication that you have two sisters and a brother."  The woman thought for a moment.  "The only explanation is that you  were adopted.  That would explain the first set of initials, also."     
          "I am adopted."  Meghan said slowly.  It wasn't the first time she had said it, but the words seemed harder to get out.  "I didn't find out until last year before my father died.  My mother died a few years before him.  Dad told me that my parents were dead so I haven't done much about it.  I've lived in a small town about thirty-seven miles from here, with my father's sister and brother-in-law."  Meghan explained almost choking on the words.
          "I see.  Then that explains it."  She smiled to try and cheer her young believer up.  "You are one of four children.  The first set of initials is your birth name."  The woman shifted her position on her chair slightly and continued.  "Would you like me to tell you about your future now?"  The woman was looking at Meghan's palms.
          "Yes."  Then she quickly changed her mind.  Then quickly changed it again before she said it..
          The woman turned to Meghan's hand looking at different areas of it.  "You have a decent life.  Nothing too remarkable I am sorry to say.  Unless you consider fighting evil remarkable," she woman said with a sly smile, opening her lids.   Meghan narrowed her eyes at her, and she met Meghan's gaze with her own.  She laughed.  "You'll understand sooner then you think," she smiled.  She closed her eyes again.  "You are married once.  The man loves you dearly and like no other.  You grow to trust him although it does take you some time.  Your already existing love grows.  You never divorce although you do have problems, no marriage is perfect.  You always work things through, though.  You become pregnant six times and have eleven children.  Some of which have tragic times.  I see the possibility of at least one young fatality, but there could be more.  Be wise with your children."
          "Can you tell me who I am going to marry?"  Meghan interrupted.
          The woman closed her eyes.  "I see the other half of the same face."  She paused.  "The letter 'M' becomes very apparent to me."   She took a deep breath.  "The other twin."  She told Meghan as she lifted her eyes to watch the girls reaction.  A small smile turned the corners of her mouth.  "Now, dear, will you tell me why you have come?"
          "Yes,"  Meghan answered.  "I've been having some very weird dreams."
          "How so?"  The older woman questioned.
          "Well, since I've been pregnant I guess that I haven't been sleeping  as deep as I use to.   Maybe I've been sleeping deeper than I use to.  I just don't know.  Anyway, I have been having these dreams about least I think that it is suppose to be me.  The woman is pregnant in my dreams sometimes.  Other times she's not.  It seems the range of her age, in my dreams, are as young seventeen up to the age of thirty when she's looking up at this monument of her triplet daughters.  It seems that they died but I'm not sure."  Meghan told the older woman.  "It can't be me," she whispered.
          "Do you believe in past lives?"  The woman asked.  "Reincarnation?"
          "I.....I don't know."  Meghan laughed.  "I didn't exactly believe in people being able to tell your past or future until now."
          "There is a possibility of past lives.  At least I believe in them.  I believe in a lot that most don't."  The woman smiled.  She looked about the age of sixty.  There were very few wrinkles on her oval face.  She looked good for her age.  "You could be dreaming of one of your past lives.  Maybe you are drawn to the land because of this."
          "I did feel drawn to the land."  Meghan threw in.  She had totally forgotten about the strong feeling she had had the day that she met Nathaniel McCrady VIII.  The day that she had her interview.  It was something deep and strong in her gut.  She felt as if she were scared.  Yet, she thought that if they told her she didn't get the job she would surely have to beg.
          The woman nodded.  "On the other hand, you could be channeling into someone else's life.  Some poor soul, that has past on, yet, is not resting peacefully.  Do you understand?"
          Meghan nodded. "Yes, but why?"  She asked.
          "No one knows why things like this happen.  You have to study this persons life in order to find out.  Maybe it is as simple as they were murdered and want some sort of justice for their murderer  Maybe the killer already died but they want someone to understand and know what happened.  Maybe they have things that they didn't accomplish and need somebody on this side to finish it for them."  She started nodding.  "Maybe I could help you out.  Why don't you tell me about one of your dreams?  Will you do that?"
          "Yes, but there are so many."  Meghan told her.
          "Did you have one last night or today?"
          "Tell me about that one,"  the woman said.
          "Alright,"  Meghan took a deep breath.  She remembered the beginning of the dream and tried to explain it as best she could.  "A woman stands in a tower window.  It's almost exactly like the one in the house where I work.  The east tower bedroom in McCrady Manor.  She is looking out at the front the fountain and the stone lions.  I can't see through her eyes, but I know what is out there because I have looked through the windows many times myself.  The lady is beautiful.  She has long dark brown hair that reaches her waist in spiral curls.  She has big brilliant blue eyes that are so full of happiness.  She has a round face, like mine, and a long slender nose, but she has full cherry red lips.  It's possible that she's wearing lipstick.
          "She walks out of the tower into the main portion of the bedroom.  Then over  to the perfectly made bed that sits in the middle of the room.  Her face seems to be glowing and full of emotions.   Her stomach is big though, and full of life.  She's pregnant.  She sits down on the bed.  The white lace Afghan that lay on top of the bed wrinkles under the her weight.  Then suddenly she grabs her stomach as if she's in pain.  A loud long agonizing scream passes through her lips.  Somewhere else in the house, someone else is doing the same."
          "Wow," the woman whispered thinking for a moment.  "I believe that is someone else trying to tell you something."  There was a pause.  "I am thinking that this woman is from this home that you work in.  I'd like to visit this house if you'd not mind.  Then maybe I can tell you more."  The woman explained.  "Is that possible?"
          "Yes, of course.  But I cannot guarantying that you won't have to pay."  Meghan told her with a little trace of  laughter in her voice.
          "No, that's fine.  I don't want to get you in any sort of trouble with your boss."  She said.  "I am very intrigued by you and all of this goings on.  A young girl so troubled."  She smiled.  "My name is Crystell Tear," she said offering a hand.   "Would you be willing to do one more thing?"
          "Ah," Meghan paushed.  "Sure, I guess."
          Crystell got up and disappeared behind a dark curtain that covered a doorway.  She hear some water and some humming.  Smiling to herself Meghan reached over and touched the crystal ball lightly.   She felt the cool glass under her finger tips and this, almost, an electric current.  She pulled her fingers away quickly as the woman walked back into the room.  "I would like for you to do me one last thing," she smiled setting the white cup on the table infront of Meghan.  She looked down and saw that there was grains mixed in with the water.   "It's called Tasseography," she smiled.  "Or in more common terms, I'd like to read your tea leaves.  My grandmother use to do this, when we were in Ireland, and it's something she taught me before she passed.  I just need you to stir it, let it settle and run the water out, leaving the tea leaves."  Meghan stirred as she was instructed, waited for them to settle a little, then slowly poured the water out in the bowl Crystell had put on the table.   Inside there were grains left all over the sides and bottom of the cup.   The woman reached for the cup, and Meghan handed it over.   "Good, good," she whispered.   Turning the cup this way and that way, looking and making small noises in her throat.  "I see a bell here," she said pointing to it on the side of the cup.  "That is a sign of unexpected news, since it is near the top it is good news."  She turned and pointed to another.  "Here is a book, it's about half way open, do you see?"  Meghan nodded, surprised by the pictures she pointed out.  "There is something you need to investigate," she told the young girl.   "And here is a chain," she said almost running her finger the length of it across the cup.  "Means engagement and a wedding," she smiled.   "There is a heart here," she said pointing to the large heart covering almost half of one side of the cup.  "Means pleasure, love and trust.  And here, here is the one that concernes me."  She pointed to a large picture of a knife.  "A dagger, that is danger, so beware."   She smiled.   "What do you think?"
          "Wow," was all Meghan could really manage.  She was in shock, and awe.  Amazed at how a lot of what she seemed to say had made complete sense. 
          "I'll be over sometime this week, if that is alright," she said.
          "Yes, that would be fine.  Thank you very much."  Meghan whispered before she rose to leave.  "Oh, how much do I owe you?"
          "On the house," Crystell winked.  "Next time you can pay for my services, this time, my gift."

          Meghan picked up a little pink outfit from the rack.  From what Crystell had told her she know that it was a little baby girl that she was protecting inside of her.  "A stork carrying a little pink bundle."  She repeated in a whisper.  She looked up and glanced around the baby store.  "I need to get so much stuff."  She muttered looking around the store at the cribs, changing tables, clothes, bibs, bottles, diapers, food, and everything else.
          Then she spotted Paige McCrady in the store.  She was Nate's  wife.  His parents died when he was 11 years old.  His Great Aunt Ashley raised him until she had died a little over a year ago.  He spoke of his Aunt with such fondness that Meghan almost wished she had met her.
          Paige stood looking at the boy clothes for her son, Austin.  Her long blonde hair was pulled up into a ponytail.  Meghan walked over to her.  "Hello, Paige."
          "Meghan!  Hi!"  She shouted hugging her friend.  "What are you doing here?"  She asked.
          "Oh, just looking.  How about you?"
          Paige smile, then looked down at her rounding stomach and laughed.  "I'm picking up a few new things for this one, and some new clothes for Austin. He is growing so fast.  You have to come over and see him soon."
          "I will."  Meghan smiled.  "Congratulations, you hadn't told us this."
          "Thanks, we didn't find out until a few weeks ago ourselves.  I am so excited."  Paige beamed.
          "How far along are you?"  Meghan asked curious on how far apart they were.
          Paige answered with a large smile across her face.  "With everything going on I didn't even realize that I was even late."  She laughed.  "I found out 3 weeks ago and feel so bad about being so far along with no pre-natal care.  They think that I am about four and a half months."
          "Really?"   Meghan asked.  "We are about a month and a half apart."
          "Huh?"  Paige stammered confused.  "Are you pregnant?"
          Meghan's head fell. She hadn't ment to say it outloud, just to herself.  "Yes," she whispered.  "I just found out too."
          Paige pulled her aside, away from all the other busy shoppers.  "You don't sound happy."  She commented.  "What's wrong?"
          "A lot has happened the past day."  She forced a smile.  "I found out that I'm pregnant...3 months along...and Macen proposed to me."
          "You and Macen?"  Paige asked a little shocked, but more happy.  "I had no clue."  She smiled reaching out and pulling Meghan into an embrace.  "Congrats Meg!"  Meghan wondered how the rest of her friends would react.  "I really had no clue."  Paige repeated.
          "Well,"  Meghan said on the edge of laughter.  "Feel privileged.  You are the first to know."  She remarked.
          "Leigha doesn't know?"  Paige questioned knowing how close the two girls were.
          "She is going to kill you!"  Paige laughed.  "Or at least freak out.  So will Kellie and the rest of them."  Paige lifted up one of the outfits she held in her hand.  "Do you think that this will fit that big chunk that I have?"

          Meghan walked up to Macen's cabin door.  "Macen?"  She called out as she opened the door.
          "Just a second!"  He called out blocking the door.  "Wait outside for a minute."
          She stepped back.  She held the note she had found taped to her cabin door in her hand.  She opened it back up and read it agian.

Meet me at my cabin.
I have a surprise for you.
The one and only man in your life.

 So she had walked right over.
          He popped his head out but continued to hide behind the door.  "Alright,"  he whispered.  "Close your eyes."  She complied.  She heard the door open more.  Then she felt his hand cover her eyes as he moved behind her and placed his other hand on the small of her back.  "Step up," he told her gently.
          She did. 
          The door shut behind them as they walked in, Macen gently guiding her.  She could smell scented candles.  "I smell smoke."  She said.
          "Don't worry about it."  He laughed leading her to the middle of his living room.  "Sit."  He demanded.
          "Yes sir!"  She laughed as she sat in the chair.  "You got a new chair,"  she whispered feeling the cushion and a wooded back of the chair and how comfortable it was compared to regular back chairs he had.  He uncovered her eyes and told her to open them.  She did.  It took a minute for her eyes to re-focus.
          The room was pitch black except for the soft glow from the candles he had placed on the small table he had set up in the middle of his living room.  Two empty clear plates and two clear bowls with salads in them sat on each side of the table.  Twelve roses sat in a small crystal vase in the middle of the table.  Three roses of four different colors.  The whole set up was beautiful.  She looked over to Macen who was in a tuxedo and on his knee right next to her.
          "I wanted to properly ask you to be my wife."  He opened the small red velvet square box that he held in his hand.  "Will you spend the rest of your life with me Meghan?"  He asked as he revealed the half carat diamond ring.

          She gasped, and forgot to breath until she looked into his eyes.   She let it out slowly.  "Yes," she whispered after she gained her ability to speak.  "Oh, Macen!"  She shrieked.  "Yes, I will!"

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